We assume all costs associated with ad placement, networking, reviewing resume, pre-qualifying, and interviewing new employees. Because we are able to quickly and effectively find you the IT, Financial and other professionals you need, we also reduce costs associated with lost productivity while the position is vacant.
Our database provides you with numerous diversity referrals, especially in under-represented jobs
Guarantee: Never receive an invoice until the candidate has completed our guarantee period.
Our network of more than 50,000 professionals provides the relationship to find talent fast. Contract staffing is a smart
way to increase staffing flexibility while reducing employment costs and employee administration.
Cost-Effective : Cost-effectively allows you to bring on additional staff resources through your project
budget or operational expenses Manages payroll and offers various options, medical benefits and paid holidays.
Our professional contractors prefer the challenge and diversity of contract employment. They bring innovation, the latest skill sets and deep experience to get projects off the ground and moving to completion. Providing constant cycles of contractors for high-turnover positions (such as help desk) creates competition amongst the group, raises productivity and cuts overhead costs. Contract professionals specialize in specific technologies, so they require little or no ramp-up time.
We contact hundreds of top-performing, highly qualified candidates through multiple channels on your behalf. Liaison between you and the candidate during the negotiation process, taking care of everything from interviewing and reference checks to extending and closing offers on your behalf